First Episodes
Fundamental Belief 1: The Godhead
God the Father is an eternally existing Spirit, a perfect, personal Being of supreme love, intelligence, knowledge, justice, power and authority. It was through the Wo...

Fundamental Belief 2: The Angelic Realm and Satan
The angelic realm, consisting of various types of spirit beings, was created by God. A former “covering cherub,” Lucifer, rebelled against God’s authority and became S...

Fundamental Belief 3: Humanity
Human beings, both male and female, were created in the image of God with the potential to partake of God’s divine nature as children in His eternal family. Humans are...

Fundamental Belief 4: The Purpose of Human Life
God’s purpose for human beings is to add them as children to His eternal family. While it is clear that eternal life is a gift from God, He expects His children to res...

Fundamental Belief 5: The Word of God
Scripture, both the Old and the New Testaments of the Holy Bible, is the Word of God and contains God’s complete revelation of His will and plan for humanity. Directly...